Destinations International Re-cap: 3 Trends We Saw Around Video & How To Help Your Destination Leverage Them To Maximize The Impact Of Your Video Assets.

By Chris Roebuck Last week, the Clicktivated team headed down to Tampa, FL, for our annual trip to Destinations International,.

3 Key Insights from the Google Leak Marketers Should Know About

By Chris Roebuck In late May, over 2,500 internal documents were leaked from Google. The documents, which the company confirmed.

Why Shoppable Ads Provide Deeper Insights Into Your Target Audience

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, shoppable ads have emerged as a powerful tool for brands looking to engage.

Clicktivated Partners with toldright to Merge Interactive Video Technology with Powerful Storytelling

  Detroit, MI (March 19, 2024) – Clicktivated, the shoppable video pioneer that seamlessly connects viewers to products and information.

Beyond Ecommerce: How shoppable video is transforming the travel industry

2023 was filled with travel enthusiasm, as Americans kept their desire to travel alive despite ups and downs in the.

Shoppable Videos: What are they and what can they do for your business?

With ever-changing consumer behaviors and continued growth of video across screens, the popularity of shoppable video is skyrocketing. Shoppable video’s.

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